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Kontinuitäten und Brüche der neoliberalen Hegemonie in Lateinamerika

Ingo Malcher

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During the 1990ies Latin America was ruled by a neoliberal  hegemony which on the turn to the 21st century came to an end due to several financial crisis and poor results in income distribution. But although neoliberal politics at the moment cannot count on a wide public consensus anymore there are still strong power structures, (i. g. financial market institutions like Rating Agencies and Country  Risk Ranking, negotiations of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)) which make neoliberal politics work by forcing market friendly policy reforms. These power structures limit the posibility of social reforms of governments which tend to be progressive like in Brazil or Argentina. Integration projects within Latina America, such as Mercosur, could strengthen the countries on the continent and open alternative development possibilities.
