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„Demandando un trato digno, de iguales“ – Forderungen nach politischer Gleichheit im transnationalen Raum

Stephanie Schütze

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Schlagwörter: Transnationale politische Räume, Rücküberweisungen, politische Rechte von Migrant/inn/en, politische Ungleichheiten, Programm 3x1 der mexikanischen Regierung, transnationaler Raum zwischen Mexiko und den USA


“Demandando un trato digno, de iguales”.


Demanding Equal Political Rights in Transnational Space. This article  analyzes how Mexican migrants in the United States create transnational spaces of political participation in-between localities, regions and the two  nations – the U.S. and Mexico. Their fight for political rights at various  levels is a reflection of, and an answer to, the multidimensional inequalities that they experience on both sides of the border. By analyzing
the political interaction between members and organizations of local  communities in the Mexican state of Michoacán and migrant activists in Chicago, the article delineates how Mexican migrants fight for equal rights in different political spaces and how these spaces are connected  transnationally. It shows how Mexican migrants fi rst gained voice in their home communities and regions through participation in transnational infrastructure projects and how this empowerment at the local and regional levels then encouraged them to fi ght for their political rights at the national level in both Mexico and in the U.S. Finally, by connecting the different spheres and levels of political participation, the article offers a way of conceptualizing the complexity and multidimensionality of transnational political spaces.

Keywords: transnational political spaces, remesas, political rights of migrants, political inequalities, 3x1 Program of the Mexican government, transnational space between Mexico and the U.S.
