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Religiöses „worlding“ in der Stadt: Globaler Pentekostalismus in Rio de Janeiro

Gerda Heck, Stephan Lanz

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Schlüsselwörter: Pfingstbewegung, Rio de Janeiro, Favela, Kongolesische Diaspora, worlding


Religious “worlding from below”. Global Pentecostalism in Rio de Janeiro.


Urban studies regard the increasing importance of new religious  movements as extremely problematic or they interpret them by using monocausal logics. The urban booms of the Pentecostal movement or  political Islam are often one-dimensionally linked with increasing urban  poverty and immiserization. Drawing on the concept of “worlding” advanced by Aihwa Ong and Ananya Roy, this article examines the complex practices of the believers, focusing on the interrelations between religion, globality, and urban daily life. Using the example of different Pentecostal churches which are assembled under the umbrella of the Assembléia de Deus in Rio de Janeiro, the article compares local and Congolese migrant churches and discusses three aspects of the urban confi guration of the Pentecostal  movement: the location of the parishes, with reference to their relationship to urban space in general and especially to daily life in the favela, their  interaction with urban everyday cultures, particularly the music culture, and, finally, their transitory character.

Keywords: pentecostal movement, Rio de Janeiro, favela, Congolese diaspora, worlding


Bibliographie: Heck, Gerda/Lanz, Stephan: Religiöses „worlding“ in der Stadt: Globaler Pentekostalismus in Rio de Janeiro, PERIPHERIE, 2-2014, S. 212-238.
