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Dimensions of Discretion: Specifying the Object of Street-Level Bureaucracy Research

Peter Hupe

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At the street level of the state public policies get their final form and substance. This being so, discretion is a key concept. The goal of this article is to specify discretion as a research object in the study of street-level bureaucracy. Therefore the theoretical views on discretion prevalent in juridical and other disciplines are explored. Discretion appears to be a multi-faceted concept. This finding has consequences for the analysis of discretion in the explanation of what happens in street-level bureaucracies.

Keywords: discretion, autonomy, street-level bureaucracy, policy implementation


Bibliographie: Hupe, Peter: Dimensions of Discretion: Specifying the Object of Street-Level Bureaucracy Research, dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 2-2013, S. 425-440.


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