Jg. 31, Nr. 2-2018: (Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change

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Inhaltsverzeichnis PDF


(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change. Introduction PDF
Stefan Moitra, Katarzyna Nogueira
“Scrap-Heap Storiesˮ: Oral Narratives of Labour and Loss in Scottish Mining and Manufacturing PDF
Arthur McIvor
Conditions for a Successful Farewell. Memories of Coal Mining in Ibbenbüren PDF
Thomas Schürmann
Winning or Losing? German Pit Closure and the Ambiguities of Memory PDF
Stefan Moitra
The Trauma of a Non-Traumatic Decline. Narratives of Deindustrialisation in Asturian Mining: The HUNOSA Case PDF
Irene Díaz Martínez
A Post-Carbon Future? Narratives of Change and Identity in the Latrobe Valley, Australia PDF
Antoinette Holm, Erik Eklund
Visualising Deindustrial Ruins in an Oral History Project: Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) PDF
Roberta Garruccio
“Guest Workers” in Mining. Historicising the Industrial Past in the Ruhr region from the Bottom Up? PDF
Katarzyna Nogueira
“We Are in the Museum Nowˮ. Narrating and Representing Dock Work PDF
Janine Schemmer
Old Tales and New Stories. Working with Oral History at LWL-Industrial Museum Henrichshütte Hattingen PDF
Olaf Schmidt-Rutsch
The Importance of Oral History in (Industrial) Heritagisation PDF
Melinda Harlov-Csortán

Autorinnen und Autoren

Authors of this Issue PDF