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Globaler Dialog – transversale Politik: Der „Frauenweltmarsch gegen Armut und Gewalt“

Regina-Maria Dackweiler

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Global dialog – transversal politics: The „World March of Women“.

The article analyses the practices of the „World March of Women“ (WMW) which situates itself within the wide range of social movements against a neo-liberal globalization. The article first discusses the main political axis of the WMW – poverty and violence against women – in the context of the feminist debate about gender justice. These debates have received world wide attention through the United Nations women’s conferences. In the second stage it describes the principles and forms of organization and action, the discourses and collective values of the WMW. This analytical description is arranged according to Manuel Castells’ methodology, which analyzes the identity, the opponents and the visions of progressive social movements. The concluding third step examines the political scope and the potential for transformation of this global feminist action network. The author refers to Nancy Fraser’s debate about redistribution, recognition and representation as the three dimensions of justice; and to Nira Yuval-Davis’ concept of „transversal politics“, pointing out, that the WMW is creating a global feminist dialogue, which is appreciating diversity while drawing on universal feminist values.
