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Neopatrimonialismus? Von Sinn und Unsinn eines Diskurses

Gerhard Hauck, Reinhart Kößler, Daniel Kumitz, Ingrid Wehr

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Schlagwörter: Patrimonialismus, Neopatrimonialismus, Idealtypen, Hybridität, Entwicklung, Eurozentrismus, Klientelismus, schwache Staaten, patrimonialer Kapitalismus, Moderne und Tradition, Modernisierungstheorie


Neopatrimonialism? Sense and nonsense of a discourse.


References to „patrimonialism“ and „neopatrimonialism“ are rife in  analyses of the causes of perceived state failure, mainly in the Global South. Although such interventions have in common that they invoke Max  Weber, their reading of Weber´s ideal type of the rational state rests on a  deep methodological misunderstanding. Whereas the ideal type of the  rational state is taken for actual practice, the patrimonial one is  misconstrued based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the logic of ideal types. Taken together, these misunderstandings lead to deeply flawed empirical assumptions. A critical reading of relevant literature links  this finding to the pervasive Eurocentrism within (neo-)patrimonialism and  state failure discourse. While this discussion is mainly aimed at literature concerned with Africa, a comparative Latin American perspective shows both divergent trajectories of state buildings and some commonalities in methodological misunderstandings, albeit using different terminology. Against this backdrop, some more critical approaches using patrimonialism terminology are explored, including the notion of „patrimonial capitalism“. The article closes with three theses on the unsuitability of  „(neo-)patrimonialism“ as an overarching analytical paradigm.

Keywords: patrimonialism, neopatrimonialism, ideal types, hybridity, development, eurocentrism, clientelism, weak states, patrimonial capitalism, modernity and tradition, modernisation theory
